
What's up world?

Long time no news here! 

First of all, here's our brand new and all awesome season edit 2010/11.

As the snow is melting away we put skis away and  are re-grouping and on the search for next season's projects and new sponsors to join us. A lot of plans and projects are already in construction and some information will be released here soon. 

Iphone library:

BBQ in Zürich.

Luc and Fabi @Stubai.

Floh says HI from Vancouver. 

the first "surf" of the summer. Fabi @lake lucerne.

Thanks for stopping by and see you soon. 


Almost there.

Floh just dropped this:  check!

Our season is coming to an end.

Scuol closed last sunday, Corvatsch is in a very dangerous condition with a lot of avalanches due to the warm weather and a melting park. Well, we all can feel the wish for a surfboard, waves and summer...

We started editing a season edit for our sponsors so stay tuned for that. 

I'm glad this season is almost over - a very strange/shitty winter. Bad times made me realize how much I love the few people around me who make shit days become good times, who stand behind me no matter how shit times are and still love me after all. Thank you.



Localism is seen as a bad thing and is generally related with angry locals fighting for their home land/spot to be protected. 

But in this case localism can deliever some very creative work! Local musician Snook and our four10skiier Corsin made this very cool little feature I'm very pround to show you here:

I hope you realize how happy it makes me to see how far this all has gotten us and how much we are family boys! 4 skiers - one passion. Thank you. 



As you might know, the SwissFreeskiTour is having a weekly video contest and yes, we are the winning team for the last week!

Thanks to everyone for voting!

Here's our edit again. Enjoy. 



Many little memories from the last 30days - found on my Iphone. Thanks to everyone involved!

RedBull can holder. I MUST have!




no words.

british guard.



breakfast for champions.

Scuol, 2.4.2011, 4 p.m